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Data Wrangling in R

For more detailed notes and explanations, see this webpage. Another great resource for beginners and those learning data analysis and wrangling is the free online book R for Data Science.

Code used during session


dplyr commands:

  • select
  • rename
  • mutate
  • filter
  • group_by
  • summarise
ds <- read.csv("")
#>    StateName Population Income Illiteracy LifeExp Murder HSGrad Frost
#> 1    Alabama       3615   3624        2.1   69.05   15.1   41.3    20
#> 2     Alaska        365   6315        1.5   69.31   11.3   66.7   152
#> 3    Arizona       2212   4530        1.8   70.55    7.8   58.1    15
#> 4   Arkansas       2110   3378        1.9   70.66   10.1   39.9    65
#> 5 California      21198   5114        1.1   71.71   10.3   62.6    20
#> 6   Colorado       2541   4884        0.7   72.06    6.8   63.9   166
#>     Area Region           Division Longitude Latitude
#> 1  50708  South East South Central  -86.7509  32.5901
#> 2 566432   West            Pacific -127.2500  49.2500
#> 3 113417   West           Mountain -111.6250  34.2192
#> 4  51945  South West South Central  -92.2992  34.7336
#> 5 156361   West            Pacific -119.7730  36.5341
#> 6 103766   West           Mountain -105.5130  38.6777
# %>% 
#>  [1] "StateName"  "Population" "Income"     "Illiteracy" "LifeExp"   
#>  [6] "Murder"     "HSGrad"     "Frost"      "Area"       "Region"    
#> [11] "Division"   "Longitude"  "Latitude"
ds %>% 
    select(Population, Frost, Area) %>% 
    filter(Area > 100000)
#>   Population Frost   Area
#> 1        365   152 566432
#> 2       2212    15 113417
#> 3      21198    20 156361
#> 4       2541   166 103766
#> 5        746   155 145587
#> 6        590   188 109889
#> 7       1144   120 121412
#> 8      12237    35 262134
#ds[2, ]
#>  [1] "StateName"  "Population" "Income"     "Illiteracy" "LifeExp"   
#>  [6] "Murder"     "HSGrad"     "Frost"      "Area"       "Region"    
#> [11] "Division"   "Longitude"  "Latitude"
ds %>% 
    mutate(PopPerArea = Population / Area) %>% 
#>      PopPerArea
#> 1  0.0712905261
#> 2  0.0006443845
#> 3  0.0195032491
#> 4  0.0406198864
#> 5  0.1355708904
#> 6  0.0244877898
#> 7  0.6375976964
#> 8  0.2921291625
#> 9  0.1530227399
#> 10 0.0849103714
#> 11 0.1350972763
#> 12 0.0098334482
#> 13 0.2008502547
#> 14 0.1471867468
#> 15 0.0511431687
#> 16 0.0278772910
#> 17 0.0854224464
#> 18 0.0847095482
#> 19 0.0342173351
#> 20 0.4167424932
#> 21 0.7429082545
#> 22 0.1603569354
#> 23 0.0494520047
#> 24 0.0494967862
#> 25 0.0690919632
#> 26 0.0051240839
#> 27 0.0201874926
#> 28 0.0053690542
#> 29 0.0899523651
#> 30 0.9750033240
#> 31 0.0094224624
#> 32 0.3779139052
#> 33 0.1115004713
#> 34 0.0091955019
#> 35 0.2619890177
#> 36 0.0394725364
#> 37 0.0237461532
#> 38 0.2637548370
#> 39 0.8875119161
#> 40 0.0931679074
#> 41 0.0089658350
#> 42 0.1009727062
#> 43 0.0466822312
#> 44 0.0146535763
#> 45 0.0509334197
#> 46 0.1252136752
#> 47 0.0534625207
#> 48 0.0747403407
#> 49 0.0842574912
#> 50 0.0038681934
ds %>% 
    select(Population, Income, Frost, Area, LifeExp) %>% 
    gather(Measure, Value) %>% 
    group_by(Measure) %>% 
    summarise(Mean = round(mean(Value), 1),
              SD = round(sd(Value), 1),
              MeanSD = paste0(Mean, ' (', SD, ')')) %>% 
    select(-Mean, -SD) %>% 
    knitr::kable(caption = "Table 1: Basic demographics")
Measure MeanSD
Area 70735.9 (85327.3)
Frost 104.5 (52)
Income 4435.8 (614.5)
LifeExp 70.9 (1.3)
Population 4246.4 (4464.5)
ds %>% 
    select(Region, Population, Income) %>% 
    gather(Measure, Value, -Region) %>% 
    group_by(Region, Measure) %>% 
    summarise(Mean = round(mean(Value), 1),
              SD = round(sd(Value), 1),
              MeanSD = paste0(Mean, ' (', SD, ')')) %>% 
    select(-Mean, -SD) %>% 
    spread(Region, MeanSD) %>% 
    knitr::kable(caption = "Table 2: Characteristics by Region")
Measure North Central Northeast South West
Income 4611.1 (283.1) 4570.2 (559.1) 4011.9 (605.5) 4702.6 (663.9)
Population 4803 (3702.8) 5495.1 (6079.6) 4208.1 (2779.5) 2915.3 (5578.6)
ds %>% 
    select(Population, Income, Frost, Area) %>% 
    cor() %>% %>% 
    rownames_to_column() %>% 
    rename(Var1 = rowname) %>% 
    gather(Var2, Correlation, -Var1) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = Var1, x = Var2)) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = Correlation))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Written on November 9, 2016